The name lettuce is derived from the Latin word Lactuca meaning milk. The name is picked as the leaves sip a milky sap when cut. Lettuce is a range of green leafy vegetables that are popularly eaten raw …

Delicious and brighter eating today
Delicious and brighter eating today
The name lettuce is derived from the Latin word Lactuca meaning milk. The name is picked as the leaves sip a milky sap when cut. Lettuce is a range of green leafy vegetables that are popularly eaten raw …
Rice is an extremely popular staple food that so happens to be a cereal grain. It is the seed of a grass species with lots of Asian or African varieties. It is most popularly grown in Asia …
Cilantro, also known as coriander leaves, fresh coriander, dhania, or Chinese parsley is an annual herb grown more specifically for its fresh leaves and dried seeds. It is native to Southern Europe, Northern Africa, and …
The cayenne pepper is known by several names which include the Guinea spice, cow-horn pepper, red hot chili pepper, aleva, bird pepper, or red pepper. Guessing from the names, cayenne pepper is a very hot …
The potato is one of the world’s most widely known and relatively cheap staple food. It is a starchy perennial root vegetable originating in Central America. Along with other foods such as pasta, rice, wheat, or maize meal, the potato …
Collard greens are leafy green vegetables closely related to kale and cabbage but are non-heading crops grown for their nutritious leaves. It is also related to other vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, swiss chard, arugula, kohlrabi, and Brussels sprouts. The leafy vegetable …
Chard or better known as Swiss Chard is a biennial, creased leafy vegetable with colored stalks and a leaf blade that can be green or reddish in color. The stalks vary from white yellow or red in …
Originating in the Northeast Mediterranean region, cauliflower also known as cabbage flower happens to be of the crops in the cabbage family of vegetables. Others in that same family include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, arugula, collard greens, and kohlrabi among others. Cauliflower heads have …
Cabbage is a plant that is also known as headed cabbage. It is a biennial vegetable grown for its large dense leaved heads that come in a variety of flavors and colors such as red, purple, green, …
Kohlrabi is a vegetable of the cabbage family. It goes by many other names but mainly German turnip, turnip cabbage, or knol-khol. It is stout, round, and tuberous and in addition to cabbage shares the same family …