Olives are the fruit of the small olive tree of the botanical name Olea europaea, which means “European olive”. The tree is found growing in the Mediterranean basin all the way from Portugal into the …

Delicious and brighter eating today
Delicious and brighter eating today
Olives are the fruit of the small olive tree of the botanical name Olea europaea, which means “European olive”. The tree is found growing in the Mediterranean basin all the way from Portugal into the …
The flaxseed or common flax which is also commonly known as linseed is cultivated for its delicate oilseeds and fiber. It is used to make fibers better known as linen while the oil is referred …
The poppy seed is a very small kidney-shaped oilseed used as a popular ingredient in food recipes as well as pressed for extraction of poppyseed oil. The seed tends to grow to about a millimeter …
The date is the edible fruit of the date palm tree. It is a distinct sweet and delicious fruit that groups in warm tropical regions the world over. It has been eaten by the Arabs as a …
We have seen in this article how great a herb dill weed is. This time around we will be discussing the dill seed which measures 4 to 5 millimeters long and 1 millimeter in diameter. The …
The Chestnut is undoubtedly delicious, especially when roasted over an open fire, grill, oven, you name it. So what is so interesting about this nutritious food? The chestnut is an edible nut with a rich and delicate …
The Brazil nut is a tree found in the South American Amazon Jungle of the family Lecythidaceae. It is also the name of the tree’s edible seeds. it is closely related to blueberries, cranberries, gutta-percha, persimmons, phlox, …
The common fig is a plant of the mulberry family. It produces a fruit simply known as fig. The plant is native to the Middle East and Western Asia. The fig tree grows to a height of …
The sunflower seed is the fruit of the sunflower plant. Botanically speaking, the fruit is a cypsela. The plant is commonly cultivated for the seed which is eaten as a snack or for extracting the sunflower oil. The three …
Pumpkin seeds are also known as pepita. The name is from Mexican Spanish: pepita de calabaza, meaning “little seed of squash“. They are the edible seeds of the pumpkin or certain varieties of squash. The seeds are found in the fruit which …