The Brazil nut is a tree found in the South American Amazon Jungle of the family Lecythidaceae. It is also the name of the tree’s edible seeds. it is closely related to blueberries, cranberries, gutta-percha, persimmons, phlox, …

Delicious and brighter eating today
Delicious and brighter eating today
The Brazil nut is a tree found in the South American Amazon Jungle of the family Lecythidaceae. It is also the name of the tree’s edible seeds. it is closely related to blueberries, cranberries, gutta-percha, persimmons, phlox, …
Pumpkin seeds are also known as pepita. The name is from Mexican Spanish: pepita de calabaza, meaning “little seed of squash“. They are the edible seeds of the pumpkin or certain varieties of squash. The seeds are found in the fruit which …
Nutmeg is an aromatic spice from the seed of a variety of trees in the genus Myristica. It can be differentiated from the mace, which is a similar-tasting spice. The difference is that mace is made from the …
The loquat is a fruit of an evergreen shrub of the same name. It is native to South Central China. It is also a popular fruit in Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka as …
Lychee is also known as Litchi botanically and is of the soapberry family, Sapindaceae of the genus Litchi. Lychee is a large tropical and evergreen tree that bears small pink fruits with a rough texture on the …
The grapefruit is a delicious subtropical citrus fruit from the evergreen tree of the same name. This fruit is an accidental cross between the sweet orange and the pomelo which originated in Barbados. The fruit is also referred to as the …
The Guava is a tropical fruit of the family of Myrtaceae, of the genus Psidium in a botanical sense. It is regarded as a superfruit and is very delicious sweet and nutritious. The fruit comes from an …
The pistachio or pistachio nut is a small tree that produces nuts that are eaten as food. They are believed to originate from the Central Asia region and the Middle East. These nuts are related …
The pear is the fruit of the pear tree of the genus Pyrus, in the family Rosaceae. Botanically it is a prome fruit that is delicious, juicy, sweet, refreshing, and crunchy. The pear is grown for its …
The peanut also goes by the name groundnut, the groober, or the earthnut. It is a legume that is enjoyed more like other nuts such as almonds, pistachio nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, and others. It is high in oil but is grown …