Spices can be described as fruits, seeds, roots, barks, buds, or other parts of a plant that are primarily used for flavoring, preserving food, and coloring. A Spice can be distinguished from a herb in that herbs are …

Delicious and brighter eating today
Delicious and brighter eating today
Spices can be described as fruits, seeds, roots, barks, buds, or other parts of a plant that are primarily used for flavoring, preserving food, and coloring. A Spice can be distinguished from a herb in that herbs are …
Fish can be best described as an aquatic animal that is abundant in water bodies all over the world. These range from freshwater rivers, ponds, and lakes to vast saltwater oceans. Fish are generally cold-blooded …
Herbs, in general, refer to the leafy green or flowering parts of a plant. The herbs may be used either fresh or dried. These plants can be used for their aromatic or savory properties in …
Vegetables can be described as any part of a plant that is consumed by humans as food. This is especially true when consumed as part of a savory meal. Even though it is a loose …
Fruits are the seed-bearing parts of flowing plants. They are formed from the ovary after the flowers have been fertilized. They are a major part of man’s diet and form a huge part of the …
Passion fruit is a sweet oval juicy fruit with numerous beady seeds. It has leathery skin and pulp that is usually eaten or juiced. The skin is usually green and turns yellow or dark purple …
Macadamia nuts are native to the East Coast rain forests of North Eastern, New South Wales, and central and southeastern Queensland Australia. Other areas where these edible nuts are known to grow in abundance include …
Thyme herb is an aromatic evergreen perennial shrub with fragrant rich, lilac or white flowers, a thin woody base, and square stems. It grows to about 15 to 30 cm in height. Thyme grows best …
Rosemary herb is an aromatic evergreen perennial shrub with blue flowers. It is a plant that grows well with well-drained, alkaline soil yet requires plenty of sunlight. Rosemary does best when kept away from strong …